TOC&DiARC Shuffling Parasites
@Napoli, SS. Demetrio e Bonifacio Church
Piazza Teodoro Monticelli
h. 18.00
free admission
Piazza Teodoro Monticelli
h. 18.00
free admission

TOC-Centre and DiARC are happy to invite you to the showcase of the program “Shuffling parasites” based on the possible interactions between architecture, public spaces and moving images. The research program has involved some students of DiArc (Department of Architecture of the University “Federico “II” of Naples), coordinated by Bruna Sigillo and Maria Luna Nobile, phD and teachers at the graduation class 5UE, with the support of the collective 72H
In this occasion the students, tutors and teachers will present the first phase of the project, coordinated by TOC with DiARC.
The activities of the workshop are part of TOC Shuffling Parasites Research Program, a program linking this process with the research of the visual artist and film-maker Cosimo Terlizzi, the landscapist Gabriele Fanuli and Patrizia Emma Scialpi, visual artist. They are investigating on the theme of parasite in nature, and its visual representations.
in collaboration with
Università Federico II di Napoli/DiARC